June 24, 2008

My 9 months old daughter

Her babbling now begin to sound more like words. she will intentionally repeat sounds "dak dak = duck" over and over. she loves to imitate… She may imitate you or make her own noise.kalau u batuk ...dia pon batukk...kalau u "hey" dia pon "hey " hihihih noti girl

her first bite of her first donut ..."no more donut pls....eeeeee"

balloon!! yay!

Poor Hanna has 4 mosquito bites on her innocent face


shopaholic and friends said...

ala ciannyerr kena gigit nyamuk. letak gamat sikitttt insyallah hilang without parut. happy parenting!


salam perkenalan...alahai tomeinya anak dier